Interac e-Transfers

Interac e-Transfer Info

  • send payment to “[email protected]
  • send password to “info@happyfuel,ca” in a separate email
  • for direct deposits, please contact us for details

Company Cheques

Make payable to: HappyFuel  B/N-715897898

Credit Card Payments

1. Enter the payment amount and your email address below

2. Click the “Pay Now” button to continue to secure payment page

3. Choose the “Pay with Credit Card or Visa Debit” button

*You will receive an email confirmation/receipt once the payment is complete. 

HST# 715897898RT0001

Amount: CAD

We require a 50% non-refundable deposit at the time of reservation to secure the date of your event presentation or workshop. Please note that the balance of the payment is due upon the day of the presentation. Alternatively, you may provide your credit card details for the deposit (which will not be debited unless the booking is cancelled at any time after the reservation has been secured). Please ensure that the balance of the payment is prepared in advance and is made on the day of the session.

Note: The deposit will be reimbursed (minus banking fees) to the client should we cancel for any reason such as winter storms. For large events booked during the winter seasons, we recommend for you to request an overnight booking at an accommodation near the event location for the previous night. You will be charged for the additional accommodation but not the additional booking time.

A/V Equipment Requirements (for Event Presentations)

  • A lapel microphone (if above 40 participants) (no handheld microphones)
  • Ensure that the microphone system and the venue room can accommodate the loud noise level from the exercises and interactions.
  • A projector and a screen (please place them so the speaker can see them from where she would stand at the front of the room)
  • A laptop with a presentation remote and PowerPoint presentation capabilities (or ensure that Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer is installed). (The laptop computer should be placed on a nearby table or AV cart so that the speakers can see the computer screen.)
  • We will bring our PowerPoint presentation on a USB memory stick.
  • Alternatively, the speaker can bring their own laptop computer with PowerPoint presentation to connect to your LCD projection system (via HDMI cable).
  • A small table, bottle water and a speaker podium or an AV cart – where the speaker can place documents and computer notebook.

NOTE: A technical person should be available during the set-up and the presentation if any AV equipment is used for the session.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights to all contents provided by us will remain with No recording, reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, in any manner of the content materials without the prior written permission from A non-exclusive royalty-free licence will be granted to the client on the day of the session to provide the workshop. All published materials will carry the The HappyFuel logo.