Pour un mieux-être et une meilleure performance. Au Travail. Dans la vie.
L’essence Du Bonheur
Le stress mental a atteint des taux records. Les dirigeants, cadres, managers, et leurs collaborateurs s’épuisent à un rythme sans précédent. Les taux de démissions ont explosé.
Dans les moments difficiles, le bonheur est une nécessité, pas un luxe. C’est pourquoi nous prenons le bonheur au travail au sérieux.
Nous travaillons avec les entreprises qui aident leurs dirigeants et leurs collaborateurs à améliorer leur bien-être et leur fitness mental, à se ressourcer, à entretenir des relations positives, et à protéger leur santé mentale, en particulier en périodes de changement et de stress élevé.
Nos programmes sont basés sur les dernières découvertes et percées dans les neurosciences, la psychologie positive, la psychologie cognitivo-comportementale, la science de la performance et la science du bonheur.
Les outils et les techniques que nous partageons sont utilisés dans le monde entier, des patients hospitalisés aux étudiants de Stanford en passant par les athlètes d’élite et des centaines de PDG de haut niveau.
Nous Vous Aidons à Encourager Le Meilleur de VOTRE Organisation.
Toutes nos prestations sont basées à 100% sur les dernières avancées scientifiques et les études les plus récentes menées par…
La pratique des habitudes du bonheur durable améliore le bien-être personnel, la performance et la résilience d’équipe, et crée une culture organisationnelle positive.
Des présentations engageantes et remplies d’informations pragmatiques pour inspirer votre équipe à susciter le bonheur et la positivité sur votre lieu de travail.
La Science du Bonheur – Faites le plein et passez du stress au meilleur de vous.
Le Fitness Mental – Pour un bonheur durable au travail et dans la vie.
Une série d’ateliers expérientiels axés sur la création de liens d’équipe positifs et authentiques. Pour apprendre et pratiquer directement des stratégies fondées sur la science pour passer facilement du stress au meilleur de soi, partout et en tout temps.
Modules d’atelier
Apprenez des compétences pratiques pour développer votre agilité émotionnelle, améliorer votre résilience mentale et alimenter la résonance positive sur votre lieu de travail, même dans les moments les plus difficiles.
Ré-apprenez les clés du bonheur pratique selon la science pour une meilleure résilience, surtout en période de changement et de stress élevé.
Optimisez les connaissances et les perspectives expérientielles que vous avez acquises lors de nos présentations et de nos ateliers en bâtissant les habitudes du bonheur durable et des cultures positives au travail.
En association avec le fondateur de l’Intelligence Positive®, un chercheur de Stanford, nous vous offrons un programme unique de 6 semaines guidé par une application pour vous aider à développer les muscles mentaux nécessaires pour créer un changement positif mesurable et durable.
Saviez-vous qu'il a été prouvé que passer seulement 2 % de notre temps à pratiquer les habitudes mentales du bonheur augmente les performances individuelles et d'équipe jusqu'à 10-50 %?
L’Intelligence Positive ® est basée sur les dernières recherches en neuroscience montrant qu’avec un travail ciblé et un entraînement constant, vous pouvez atténuer vos réponses limbiques-cérébrales (émotionnelles) et renforcer les fonctions exécutives plus profondes et plus sages de votre cortex frontal. En boostant votre Fitness Mental, vous pouvez améliorer vos performances et votre productivité grâce à un esprit calme, clair et plus heureux.
Les IRM cérébrales (imageries par résonance magnétique) des participants au programme d’Intelligence Positive ® ont montré:
- Des changements spectaculaires dans le câblage et la matière grise du cerveau dans les 6 à 8 semaines
- Une augmentation de la matière grise dans la région du “cerveau florissant”, où se trouvent nos émotions positives
- Une diminution de la matière grise dans la région du “cerveau du survivant”, où se trouvent nos émotions négatives
Des résultats d’efficacité validés par :
- Des centaines de PDG et leurs équipes de direction
- Des étudiants de Stanford, année après année
- Des athlètes de calibre mondial
- 500 000 participants de 50 pays
- Le score moyen du Quotient d’Intelligence Positive des participants s’est amélioré de 10% après 6 semaines et jusqu’à 50 % après 2 mois ou plus de pratique continue
Mélanger et assortir
- ↑ 3X créativité
- ↑ 47,2% changements de comportements positifs avec des collègues
- ↑ 50% satisfaction des employés
- ↑ 37% ventes
- ↑ 19% diagnostics précis
- ↓ 48-50% accidents
- ↑ 40% probabilité de recevoir une promotion
- ↑ Probabilité du PDG de diriger des équipes heureuses et très performantes
- ↓ 23 % niveau de stress
- ↑ 39 % durée de vie (jusqu’à 94 ans)
- ↑ 31% meilleure santé
- ↓ 55% syndromes métaboliques
- ↑ 60% perception des niveaux d’attraction et de confiance
- ↑ 15 % plus heureux pour ceux qui ont des relations étroites dans leur entourage
- ↑ 18% plus heureux pour ceux qui ont un conjoint et des enfants
- ↑ 34% interactions positives
Collaboration D'équipe
- ↑ 82% amélioration des relations de groupe
- ↑ 20% capacité à surpasser la concurrence
- ↑ 34% interactions sociales de groupe positives
- ↑ 84 % meilleure gestion des conflits
- ↑ 61% moral du groupe d’employés
- ↑ 50% motivation d’équipe agile
- ↑ 50% satisfaction de l’équipe
- ↓ 20 % temps de mise sur le marché
- ↑ 23% résilience du groupe face aux facteurs de stress externes
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”
“I learned so much and am finding myself using the instructions in my everyday life. I’m eternally grateful as [the trainer] has helped me Change My Life For The Better.”
“[The trainer] facilitated what was not only A Great Workshop, but An Insightful and Useful Experience. We take home a resource that can make our day better, and our outlook brighter. Thank you!”
“Thank you again for A Wonderful Workshop! I have to admit I have been very much happier all week and have even managed to practice it a few times when I found myself getting upset. I could not stop Raving About It to my friends.”
“The group was on their feet, interacting with each other and of course laughing. I highly recommend your workshop for Team Building or any group large or small. It is a ‘Feel Good’ experience!”
“Thank you for an amazing presentation for our event! It was A Huge Success. Nobody wanted to leave!”
“Being co-workers in a stressful industry, we were able to remind each other in the following weeks of the various techniques learned in your session. I would Highly Recommend your technique… Thank you!”
“The Interaction and Engagement was just what they needed and it certainly put a smile on every face in the room.”
“You introduced us all to something New and Fun. We are all still talking about it, and some staff from other departments were very interested in it after they heard all of us talking to others about it. “
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The trainer] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the workshops. Thank you for An Amazing Workshop!”
“I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our session yesterday. You are Excellent at what you do. Please refer me to [those] who are questioning whether they should use your service. Many thanks, many times.”
“I’ve been wanting to let you know that the training and conference had quite an impact on me. I’ve been A Happier Person. I am amazed on the difference in outlook. I can’t thank you enough for making that happen. I really appreciated the training – thank you so much. Nothing has had that much impact on me!”
“Thank you kindly for providing your wonderful services. Your workshop today were highly regarded and thoroughly enjoyed… We will use your techniques and fondly remember our wonderful experience…”
“I love how good this session made me feel and how everyone was so engaged. I wanted More of This Moment.”
“This will be our ‘mantra’ this competition season! We are laughing hard just remembering the fun workshop we had. P.S.: We won the top prize at the regatta… so THAT proves that happiness works to Bring The Team Together!”
“(…) situations that may have aggravated me in the past now seem trivial and I’m able to laugh about them and at myself as well!”
“I consider myself to be a friendly/bubbly person, but the course allowed me to see what Going The Extra Mile will do for people [at work] and in my life.”
“I have to say this is a must have for any professional conference. [The presenter] is a delight to be around and has the gift of providing a comfortable and safe environment for all attendees. The air was truly ‘lighter’ after we finished the sessions. Thank you for An Great Workshop!”